Author: pndadmin
Learning to dad – when you have pnd
Alright men of the world. Here’s the truth about when I look at all dads, (myself included). I sit back and look at us all, in our pictures showing how tired […]
Tips for the stay at home mum with pnd
Being a stay at home mum is hard enough at times, let alone when you have the black cloud of depression hanging over you. So I wanted to share some […]
Walking from the shadows of pnd- together
Dear Mums. If you have or have had Postnatal Depression keep reading.. If not then please read on regardless. I was there 6 years ago, covered by the shadow of this hidden […]
The importance of time for postnatal depression recovery
Accepting a PND diagnosis can be difficult, it takes time to comes to terms with it, but know that time is the biggest healer, it doesn’t make things go away but time […]
A tear slides slowly down her cheek
I can see her sitting on the edge of the sofa, looking anxious, tired, wearing a top spotted with spit up on the shoulder, I catch her glancing at the baby asleep in the bouncer, she sighs, […]
Safe Place – Experience of a Mother and Baby unit
Hello! My name is Laura; I’m 26 years old and mum to Arthur, who’s nearly 9 months. You can read my blog here and I’m on Twitter here I’m honoured to be guest-posting […]
Antenatal Depression – Rosey’s experience
So the little line appears on the home pregnancy test – You’re pregnant! Wonderful and terrifying at all once. For some women pregnancy isn’t the glowing, beautiful experience the baby magazines […]
Hugs and Hope
So you may be reading this because a close friend or family member has had a baby and appears to be struggling, maybe they have already found the courage to […]
8 things for mums with PND must remember
When I was thinking about writing this post I thought back to when I had my daughter and began suffering Postnatal Depression very soon after her birth seven years ago and what […]
Frozen inspired advice for mums with postnatal depression
Most of you will be familiar with the songs from Frozen and you’re probably wondering what on earth it could have within it that reminded me of PND however there is one lyric […]