Perry Panda – Helen Bashford – Book Review

Perry Panda is a book written by parent and mental health professional Helen Bashford. It helps explain depression to younger children and what might help mum feel better. Althought not specifically about Postnatal Depression I really loved the idea and purchased a copy for me to read with my children. It is simple and easy to read but has a big message; mummy cares and it is not your fault she is poorly. The book is very much needed and I was delighted to discover it. If you suffer with depression or work with mums who are affected please consider getting a copy. It’s a wonderful little resource to help children understand what mum is going through and to offer much needed reassurance at a time that can be very scary, especially if mummy hasn’t been poorly before and there is a change to her moods.

My daughter aged 8 offered her review –

 “The book helps me understand mummies with poorly heads. The book tells me that sometime mums have a bad time and that she needs a cuddle. My favourite page is the first one as it tells me that my mum cares”.

My daughters favourite page really reiterated to me how important books like this are, it helps children to know that although mummy is poorly and not always as happy and smiley; she cares.

You can purchase the book here.


Follow Perry Panda on Twitter to keep up to date with the other books Helen is working on.

This is not a sponsored post but simply a review of a lovely book!

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