Tag: pnd and me
I found my lighthouse and with it – hope
PND and Me, came from a very dark place, a place where the sun didn’t shine and there was very little hope to cling to, it came from a time […]
Walking from the shadows of pnd- together
Dear Mums. If you have or have had Postnatal Depression keep reading.. If not then please read on regardless. I was there 6 years ago, covered by the shadow of this hidden […]
The importance of time for postnatal depression recovery
Accepting a PND diagnosis can be difficult, it takes time to comes to terms with it, but know that time is the biggest healer, it doesn’t make things go away but time […]
A tear slides slowly down her cheek
I can see her sitting on the edge of the sofa, looking anxious, tired, wearing a top spotted with spit up on the shoulder, I catch her glancing at the baby asleep in the bouncer, she sighs, […]
8 things for mums with PND must remember
When I was thinking about writing this post I thought back to when I had my daughter and began suffering Postnatal Depression very soon after her birth seven years ago and what […]
Teenage Mothers with postnatal depression – Are we doing enough to support them?
The UK has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Europe with recent estimates of 50,000 each year in England under the age of 20 of which 80% were aged 18-19. […]
Intrusive Thoughts – PND Symptom
Trigger warning – This post contains details of intrusive thoughts, so please be mindful of this if you are struggling as it may be best not to read on x […]
How Health Visitors can help with postnatal depression
Numerous studies estimate the incidence of perinatal depression at between 15-25%. That is, depression that starts either during pregnancy or in the 12 months following birth. However, perinatal depression is […]
10 tips for coping with Christmas
The festive season is an especially tough time of year when you suffer with a mental illness. It can be exhausting, overwhelming and sometimes trigger difficult thoughts and feelings. As […]
Celebrating the 100th #PNDHour
A big milestone! 100 hours dedicated to debunking myths, tackling stigma, connecting those with a personal or professional interest in perinatal mental illness and supporting those who need a little strength and […]